2024 TEBA-WMU Mitchiner Scholarship
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
2024 Scholarship submissions are now available.
Deadline: March 29
Congratulations to our 2023 Scholarship Recipients:
Luke Highfil (Hocutt) & Reagan Williford (Hood's Grove)
The Triangle East Baptist Association WMU Mitchiner Scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding senior in the Baptist churches of the Triangle East Baptist Association. The investments of the TEBA Associational WMU Scholarship Endowment Fund provide the scholarship money. The winner(s) of the scholarship will be notified around the first week of May.
Application Rules:
Applicant must be a member of a church in the Triangle East Baptist Association.
Make sure all required documents are uploaded. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Judging Criteria:
Each of the following categories of criteria will be given a value of up to 20% in computing judges’ decision. (The highest total of percentage points would indicate the winner.)
Application Rules:
Applicant must be a member of a church in the Triangle East Baptist Association.
- Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
- The scholarship is to be used at a community college, four-year college, or university in the state of North Carolina.
- Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Make sure all required documents are uploaded. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Judging Criteria:
Each of the following categories of criteria will be given a value of up to 20% in computing judges’ decision. (The highest total of percentage points would indicate the winner.)
- Character – Based on written recommendations and personal interview by judges.
- Scholastic Record – Based on school records.
- Demonstration of ambition and Leadership – Based on record of participation in church, school, and community activities.
- Potential to Succeed – Based on personal letter, extra curricular activities, and responses to judge’s questions.
- Financial need.