Kelton Hinton
Kelton has a vast array of strengths. If he can help your church in any way, please let us know.
For Church Planters:
Church Planter Assessment—a detailed review of 13 areas in a potential church planter’s life that will impact his future ministry pathway. Both husband and wife are included in this five-hour assessment.
Detailed Demographic information based upon a myriad of different options. Information that is census-based but also includes religious information.
For Pastors in General:
Monthly Pastors Conference for both full-time (3rd Tuesday mornings) and bi-vocational (4th Friday nights) pastors.
Barnabas Groups of limited duration with a minimal number of at least four pastors. This is an intensive, single-focused peer review and learning group that helps the pastor deal with whatever ministry or life issue that is causing him to be “stuck.”
For Pastors in Transition:
Career Consultation—a two-day intensive review of the pastor’s strengths and weaknesses. A close, detailed look at where you have been, where you are now and where the Lord would have you to be in the future.
Seminars for Pastors (and church leaders) in a Transitioning Church:
“Managing Change” based upon the book Managing Transitions by William Bridgers. This seminar takes Bridgers’ work and applies it to the “church world.” Basic outline: Out of Egypt – Wilderness Wandering – Entering the Promised Land. This seminar looks at change as a three step process with varying leadership styles and organizational needs for each stage of the journey.
Seminars For Churches:
“What Kind of Church Are You?” looks at six types of vehicles that characterize six types of churches. An interesting and humorous way to get people to identify the “why” of their church’s existence.
“The Four Generations in the Pew” is all about the Builder, Boomer, Buster, Millenial (and now the Generation Z) generations. This four session seminar looks at 1) who they are, 2) why they are the way they are, 3) how to reach them and 4) how to keep them.
Detailed Demographic information based upon a myriad of different options. Information that is census-based but also includes religious information. Includes a “Quiz” about your immediate surroundings and a detailed analysis of your target area. Data is unpacked in a practical, concrete way using colorful charts and maps.
“The Engaging Church” seminar based upon Charles Arn & Allen Ratta materials. This six-session seminar is all about assimilation issues. Titles for each session are: What is an “Engaging Church;” the Foundation for Outreach; Connecting with Newcomers; Visitors: A Last Minute Check-up; Increasing Visitor Flow; and From Purpose to Process.
“How to Assimilate Newcomers Into Your Church” seminar based upon Charles Arn’s materials by the same name. This six-session seminar is built around the following topics: Introducing Assimilation; Visitors—the Key to Growth; The First Year; Characteristics of an Assimilated Member; Small Groups—A Key to Assimilation; and Steps to Effective Assimilation.
Chronological Bible Storying seminar gives an overview of working with illiterate, and functionally illiterate populations. If you don’t think this is your concern, consider the fact that 29-31% of Johnston County adults 25+ years old have never finished high school. They are very likely at least functionally illiterate, getting all of their information through oral or visual means.
Marriage Enrichment weekend based upon the popular books Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman and Motivating Your Man God’s Way by Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs. These Friday-Saturday retreats offer a great way to help your couples re-connect in this busy world.
“How to Transform Boys into Men” seminar is geared to fathers raising boys. It details a plan for transitioning boys into men through a series of planned events during their early puberty through marriage years.
Resources for Churches Between Pastors:
Orientation for the Pastor Search Committee includes an overview of the booklet, “Finding a New Pastor for Your Church” by M. Wayne Oakes plus MUCH more. This two-hour session looks at what important questions need to be asked of your prospective pastor. Also includes many different facets of the interim period in church life.
A “Church Revisioning Process” is for churches during their interim time between pastors. It includes is a weekly, one-hour session that lasts approximately six months. It is ideal for churches that have had a long-tenured pastor of 10+ years and for churches dealing with a difficult or messy departure of their pastor. Also appropriate for plateaued and declining churches. Takes a detailed look at where the church has been, where they are now and where they need to go in the future.
Resources for Churches Experiencing Conflict:
Various Conflict Resolution pieces dealing with understanding of and dealing constructively with conflict. Based upon specific needs of the congregation.
Mediation—help for difficult business meetings when an outside moderator is needed to help negotiate competing points of view.
Church Planter Assessment—a detailed review of 13 areas in a potential church planter’s life that will impact his future ministry pathway. Both husband and wife are included in this five-hour assessment.
Detailed Demographic information based upon a myriad of different options. Information that is census-based but also includes religious information.
For Pastors in General:
Monthly Pastors Conference for both full-time (3rd Tuesday mornings) and bi-vocational (4th Friday nights) pastors.
Barnabas Groups of limited duration with a minimal number of at least four pastors. This is an intensive, single-focused peer review and learning group that helps the pastor deal with whatever ministry or life issue that is causing him to be “stuck.”
For Pastors in Transition:
Career Consultation—a two-day intensive review of the pastor’s strengths and weaknesses. A close, detailed look at where you have been, where you are now and where the Lord would have you to be in the future.
Seminars for Pastors (and church leaders) in a Transitioning Church:
“Managing Change” based upon the book Managing Transitions by William Bridgers. This seminar takes Bridgers’ work and applies it to the “church world.” Basic outline: Out of Egypt – Wilderness Wandering – Entering the Promised Land. This seminar looks at change as a three step process with varying leadership styles and organizational needs for each stage of the journey.
Seminars For Churches:
“What Kind of Church Are You?” looks at six types of vehicles that characterize six types of churches. An interesting and humorous way to get people to identify the “why” of their church’s existence.
“The Four Generations in the Pew” is all about the Builder, Boomer, Buster, Millenial (and now the Generation Z) generations. This four session seminar looks at 1) who they are, 2) why they are the way they are, 3) how to reach them and 4) how to keep them.
Detailed Demographic information based upon a myriad of different options. Information that is census-based but also includes religious information. Includes a “Quiz” about your immediate surroundings and a detailed analysis of your target area. Data is unpacked in a practical, concrete way using colorful charts and maps.
“The Engaging Church” seminar based upon Charles Arn & Allen Ratta materials. This six-session seminar is all about assimilation issues. Titles for each session are: What is an “Engaging Church;” the Foundation for Outreach; Connecting with Newcomers; Visitors: A Last Minute Check-up; Increasing Visitor Flow; and From Purpose to Process.
“How to Assimilate Newcomers Into Your Church” seminar based upon Charles Arn’s materials by the same name. This six-session seminar is built around the following topics: Introducing Assimilation; Visitors—the Key to Growth; The First Year; Characteristics of an Assimilated Member; Small Groups—A Key to Assimilation; and Steps to Effective Assimilation.
Chronological Bible Storying seminar gives an overview of working with illiterate, and functionally illiterate populations. If you don’t think this is your concern, consider the fact that 29-31% of Johnston County adults 25+ years old have never finished high school. They are very likely at least functionally illiterate, getting all of their information through oral or visual means.
Marriage Enrichment weekend based upon the popular books Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman and Motivating Your Man God’s Way by Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs. These Friday-Saturday retreats offer a great way to help your couples re-connect in this busy world.
“How to Transform Boys into Men” seminar is geared to fathers raising boys. It details a plan for transitioning boys into men through a series of planned events during their early puberty through marriage years.
Resources for Churches Between Pastors:
Orientation for the Pastor Search Committee includes an overview of the booklet, “Finding a New Pastor for Your Church” by M. Wayne Oakes plus MUCH more. This two-hour session looks at what important questions need to be asked of your prospective pastor. Also includes many different facets of the interim period in church life.
A “Church Revisioning Process” is for churches during their interim time between pastors. It includes is a weekly, one-hour session that lasts approximately six months. It is ideal for churches that have had a long-tenured pastor of 10+ years and for churches dealing with a difficult or messy departure of their pastor. Also appropriate for plateaued and declining churches. Takes a detailed look at where the church has been, where they are now and where they need to go in the future.
Resources for Churches Experiencing Conflict:
Various Conflict Resolution pieces dealing with understanding of and dealing constructively with conflict. Based upon specific needs of the congregation.
Mediation—help for difficult business meetings when an outside moderator is needed to help negotiate competing points of view.